Station Road Elmswell Suffolk IP30 9HD

01359 245999

About Us

Welcome to Street Farm Day Nursery

Prior to registering we encourage you to visit Street Farm Day Nursery with your child to meet the staff and look at our facilities. To begin building trusting relationships prior to starting nursery, Street Farm are happy to offer home visits by your child’s key person alongside a senior member of staff.

If you would like to request a home visit please arrange this with a member of the management team.

We also offer a free 2 hour trial session. During this session you are welcome to stay with your child or leave them with us. If you choose to leave them we will ensure that your child’s key person will be available to spend that time with your child.

Meet The Team

To enable us to offer the highest quality care, we recruit a highly motivated and dedicated team of staff that are committed to providing the best possible care for your child.  Our highly skilled workforce plays a crucial role in improving outcomes for children, staff share their knowledge helping to improve the skills of other staff members, this is evident through our mentoring programme.

We are committed to raising standards and improving the skills and qualifications of our workforce, this can be seen through our training and development programme.


At Street Farm Day Nursery, we take safeguarding our children very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child, please speak to one of these people.

From left : Clare Page, Nursery Manager, Designated Safeguarding Lead.  Shelley Hunt, Deputy Manager, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Beverly Farmer, Room Leader, Designated Safeguarding Officer.